Thursday, May 19, 2016

Version 3.3 released

Hello Everyone,

The new version has been released which fixes issues with broken link.

Enjoy this version and let me know in case of any issues.
Thank you everyone for your patience and thank you for providing me with the index download links.

The latest version can be found here
The latest code at github

Take care !!


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Latest issue with indices downloading

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for notifying me about the current issue with the downloader. I was on vacation celebrating my graduation ceremony and hence was not able to address the issue on time. I will get back to work and update the software and let everyone know as soon as possible. I do apologize for the inconvenience it has been all along.

Special Thanks To,

Wannabe Bull and HotStockDesk have posted solutions on the blog for advanced users. Please follow the instructions as mentioned here . Please note that your old settings will be erased. It is recommended to go to config and update your settings once again.
I will soon be enhancing the application so that in the near future I can silently publish the changes in NSE links so that users don't face the problem again.
