Sunday, December 20, 2015

Version 3.2 released. Corrected issues with indices path

Hello Everyone,

The new version has been released which includes the new index symbols fixes.

Enjoy this version and let me know in case of any issues.
Thank you everyone for your patience and thank you for providing me with the index download links.

The latest version can be found here
The latest code at github

Take care !!


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Indices path has changed again

Hi Everyone,

NSE no longer saves the indices in a file which we can download. The only way to extract data is through there webpage via. screen scraping. The problem is most sites do not allow screen scraping so I don't think I will be making any changes to the software. If NSE in the future changes their implementation and creates a downloadable file, I am sure I would be able to make that change.

Sorry to disappoint you guys.


Thanks to a comment below I was able to extract CSV file in downloadable format. I will make the changes and release a new version soon.

Rohit Jhunjhunwala